
White Papers

A white paper is an authoritative report that informs readers concisely about a complex issue, such as elements of our assessments. These white papers are reviewed and published internally, but in many cases, the content is equal to or better than many peer-reviewed articles.

Five Sciences of Self: How Personal Insights Create Transformative Impact

Five Sciences of Self: How Personal Insights Create Transformative Impact

10% Happier

10% Happier

Gold (2015)

Gold (2015)

The Enlightened Gardener (2021 Revised Edition)

The Enlightened Gardener (2021 Revised Edition)

Feeling Good: Overcome Depression and Anxiety with Proven Techniques

Feeling Good: Overcome Depression and Anxiety with Proven Techniques

Science Denial: Why It Happens and What to Do About It

Science Denial: Why It Happens and What to Do About It



The Power of Bad: How the Negativity Effect Rules Us and How We Can Rule It

The Power of Bad: How the Negativity Effect Rules Us and How We Can Rule It

Heart Rate Variability: The Future of Trauma-Informed Care

Heart Rate Variability: The Future of Trauma-Informed Care

Why TTI Enforces Our Intellectual Property Protection Plans

Why TTI Enforces Our Intellectual Property Protection Plans

Why Does TTI SI request that you help gather demographic information along with our assessments?

Why Does TTI SI request that you help gather demographic information along with our assessments?

The Different Aspects of Personality and Why They Matter

The Different Aspects of Personality and Why They Matter

Natural Versus Adapted DISC Graphs

Natural Versus Adapted DISC Graphs

A Synopsis of the International Test Commission’s Guidelines for Translating and Adapting Tests: Part III

A Synopsis of the International Test Commission’s Guidelines for Translating and Adapting Tests: Part III

TTI SI Stress Assessment Explained

TTI SI Stress Assessment Explained

Artificial Intelligence for Hiring (Did I roll my eyes out loud?)

Artificial Intelligence for Hiring (Did I roll my eyes out loud?)

A Synopsis of the International Test Commission’s Guidelines for Translating and Adapting Tests: Part I

A Synopsis of the International Test Commission’s Guidelines for Translating and Adapting Tests: Part I

A Synopsis of the International Test Commission’s Guidelines for Translating and Adapting Tests: Part II

A Synopsis of the International Test Commission’s Guidelines for Translating and Adapting Tests: Part II

An Application of Logistic Regression in Identifying Target Populations Using TriMetrix EQ Variables

An Application of Logistic Regression in Identifying Target Populations Using TriMetrix EQ Variables

Thoughts on Current Consensus Views on Reliability and Validity in the Psychometric Assessment World

Thoughts on Current Consensus Views on Reliability and Validity in the Psychometric Assessment World

Our Approach to Psychometric Assessment Validity and Reliability

Our Approach to Psychometric Assessment Validity and Reliability

A Graded Response IRT Model for Analysis of the TTI Success Insights EQ Assessment

A Graded Response IRT Model for Analysis of the TTI Success Insights EQ Assessment

We Need a New Approach to Principal Selection

We Need a New Approach to Principal Selection

Classification of Serial Entrepreneurs via Logistic Regression: A Case Study

Classification of Serial Entrepreneurs via Logistic Regression: A Case Study

Serial Entrepreneur Study Additional Assessment Sciences Increase the Ability to Accurately Classify Data (And Thus, People)

Serial Entrepreneur Study Additional Assessment Sciences Increase the Ability to Accurately Classify Data (And Thus, People)

A Pilot Study of Potential Future Entrepreneurs

A Pilot Study of Potential Future Entrepreneurs

TTI SI Style Insights® v Big 5 Personality Inventory: University Students Validation Study

TTI SI Style Insights® v Big 5 Personality Inventory: University Students Validation Study

TTI SI Style Insights® v Big 5 Personality Inventory: A Validation Comparison Study

TTI SI Style Insights® v Big 5 Personality Inventory: A Validation Comparison Study

TTI SI Style Insights® v Thomas’ Personal Profile Analysis (PPA): A Validation Comparison Study

TTI SI Style Insights® v Thomas’ Personal Profile Analysis (PPA): A Validation Comparison Study

Uncovering Training Challenges with Brain Imaging

Uncovering Training Challenges with Brain Imaging

Native Tongue to Best Communicate

Native Tongue to Best Communicate

Assessment Protocols Explained

Assessment Protocols Explained

The Guide to Assessment FAQ’s

The Guide to Assessment FAQ’s

Using Big Data to Better Appreciate Cultural Differences

Using Big Data to Better Appreciate Cultural Differences

Words That Don’t Work

Words That Don’t Work

Freshmen Engineering Student Personal Attribute Workshop Findings: A Retention Issue

Freshmen Engineering Student Personal Attribute Workshop Findings: A Retention Issue

University of Nebraska Lincoln Freshmen Engineering Majors with University of Northern Iowa Business Majors Comparisons: When do People Develop Personal Skills

University of Nebraska Lincoln Freshmen Engineering Majors with University of Northern Iowa Business Majors Comparisons: When do People Develop Personal Skills

Take this job and shove it!!

Take this job and shove it!!

Altered Traits: Science Reveals How Meditation Changes Your Mind, Brain, and Body

Altered Traits: Science Reveals How Meditation Changes Your Mind, Brain, and Body

Adverse Impact

Adverse Impact

Five Sciences of Self: How Personal Insights Create Transformative Impact

Five Sciences of Self: How Personal Insights Create Transformative Impact

10% Happier

10% Happier

Gold (2015)

Gold (2015)

The Enlightened Gardener (2021 Revised Edition)

The Enlightened Gardener (2021 Revised Edition)

Feeling Good: Overcome Depression and Anxiety with Proven Techniques

Feeling Good: Overcome Depression and Anxiety with Proven Techniques

Science Denial: Why It Happens and What to Do About It

Science Denial: Why It Happens and What to Do About It



The Power of Bad: How the Negativity Effect Rules Us and How We Can Rule It

The Power of Bad: How the Negativity Effect Rules Us and How We Can Rule It

Heart Rate Variability: The Future of Trauma-Informed Care

Heart Rate Variability: The Future of Trauma-Informed Care

Why TTI Enforces Our Intellectual Property Protection Plans

Why TTI Enforces Our Intellectual Property Protection Plans

Why Does TTI SI request that you help gather demographic information along with our assessments?

Why Does TTI SI request that you help gather demographic information along with our assessments?

Motivation Insights® 2021 Reliability Study

Motivation Insights® 2021 Reliability Study

Style Insights® 2021 Reliability Study

Style Insights® 2021 Reliability Study

Talent Insights® 2021 Reliability Study

Talent Insights® 2021 Reliability Study

The Different Aspects of Personality and Why They Matter

The Different Aspects of Personality and Why They Matter

Natural Versus Adapted DISC Graphs

Natural Versus Adapted DISC Graphs

A Synopsis of the International Test Commission’s Guidelines for Translating and Adapting Tests: Part III

A Synopsis of the International Test Commission’s Guidelines for Translating and Adapting Tests: Part III

TTI SI Stress Assessment Explained

TTI SI Stress Assessment Explained

Artificial Intelligence for Hiring (Did I roll my eyes out loud?)

Artificial Intelligence for Hiring (Did I roll my eyes out loud?)

A Synopsis of the International Test Commission’s Guidelines for Translating and Adapting Tests: Part I

A Synopsis of the International Test Commission’s Guidelines for Translating and Adapting Tests: Part I

A Synopsis of the International Test Commission’s Guidelines for Translating and Adapting Tests: Part II

A Synopsis of the International Test Commission’s Guidelines for Translating and Adapting Tests: Part II

An Application of Logistic Regression in Identifying Target Populations Using TriMetrix EQ Variables

An Application of Logistic Regression in Identifying Target Populations Using TriMetrix EQ Variables

Thoughts on Current Consensus Views on Reliability and Validity in the Psychometric Assessment World

Thoughts on Current Consensus Views on Reliability and Validity in the Psychometric Assessment World

Our Approach to Psychometric Assessment Validity and Reliability

Our Approach to Psychometric Assessment Validity and Reliability

A Graded Response IRT Model for Analysis of the TTI Success Insights EQ Assessment

A Graded Response IRT Model for Analysis of the TTI Success Insights EQ Assessment

We Need a New Approach to Principal Selection

We Need a New Approach to Principal Selection

Classification of Serial Entrepreneurs via Logistic Regression: A Case Study

Classification of Serial Entrepreneurs via Logistic Regression: A Case Study

Serial Entrepreneur Study Additional Assessment Sciences Increase the Ability to Accurately Classify Data (And Thus, People)

Serial Entrepreneur Study Additional Assessment Sciences Increase the Ability to Accurately Classify Data (And Thus, People)

A Pilot Study of Potential Future Entrepreneurs

A Pilot Study of Potential Future Entrepreneurs

TTI Success Insights Style Insights® 2016 Temporal Consistency Report

TTI Success Insights Style Insights® 2016 Temporal Consistency Report

TTISI Behavioral Assessment Test-Retest Pilot Study

TTISI Behavioral Assessment Test-Retest Pilot Study

TTI SI Style Insights® v Big 5 Personality Inventory: University Students Validation Study

TTI SI Style Insights® v Big 5 Personality Inventory: University Students Validation Study

TTI SI Style Insights® v Big 5 Personality Inventory: A Validation Comparison Study

TTI SI Style Insights® v Big 5 Personality Inventory: A Validation Comparison Study

TTI SI Style Insights® v Thomas’ Personal Profile Analysis (PPA): A Validation Comparison Study

TTI SI Style Insights® v Thomas’ Personal Profile Analysis (PPA): A Validation Comparison Study

Uncovering Training Challenges with Brain Imaging

Uncovering Training Challenges with Brain Imaging

Native Tongue to Best Communicate

Native Tongue to Best Communicate

Assessment Protocols Explained

Assessment Protocols Explained

The Guide to Assessment FAQ’s

The Guide to Assessment FAQ’s

Using Big Data to Better Appreciate Cultural Differences

Using Big Data to Better Appreciate Cultural Differences

Words That Don’t Work

Words That Don’t Work

Freshmen Engineering Student Personal Attribute Workshop Findings: A Retention Issue

Freshmen Engineering Student Personal Attribute Workshop Findings: A Retention Issue

University of Nebraska Lincoln Freshmen Engineering Majors with University of Northern Iowa Business Majors Comparisons: When do People Develop Personal Skills

University of Nebraska Lincoln Freshmen Engineering Majors with University of Northern Iowa Business Majors Comparisons: When do People Develop Personal Skills

Take this job and shove it!!

Take this job and shove it!!

Altered Traits: Science Reveals How Meditation Changes Your Mind, Brain, and Body

Altered Traits: Science Reveals How Meditation Changes Your Mind, Brain, and Body

Adverse Impact

Adverse Impact