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Developing personal attribute assessments and related tools is a costly and time-consuming process. TTI invests significant resources, including money, time, and talent…
Developing personal attribute assessments and related tools is a costly and time-consuming process. TTI invests significant resources, including money, time, and talent…
This white paper takes a look at personality, what it is and isn’t, if it can be measured, and the science behind personality-based assessments. The paper explains the difference between “personality tests” which tend to place a person in a box, by assigning a ‘type’ or identifier, and more focused personality-based assessments, which measure defined components of one’s personality.
This Education Week commentary lays out major issues in principal selection and offers solutions. Armed with a solid benchmarking process, schools, including university schools of education, can screen applicants and ultimately hire a new generation of more effective leaders.
This white paper discusses the brain’s response to our DNA 23 workplace soft skills assessment. One of the major takeaways is that our self-perceptions of skill development is directly tied to emotional brain reactions that can be captured to triangulate and help explain participant responses.