The Guide to Assessment FAQ’s
This short generic review poses the questions that a client should ask of every assessment provider. The answers will help them understand the purpose and the best tool to solve their unique needs.
This short generic review poses the questions that a client should ask of every assessment provider. The answers will help them understand the purpose and the best tool to solve their unique needs.
As a global assessment provider, this paper provides behavioral population means and norm comparisons for twenty-seven countries, thus showing the need to understand the cultural elements at play during interactions.
One of the major outcomes from our brain research is the confirmation that each person has “triggers” (words or phrases that can create a negative emotional reaction). This paper highlights the concept and provides specific behavioral style examples to avoid.
This pilot study suggests that behavioral style may be tied to a students’ grade point. Grade point average after their first semester was lowest for students with high I’s, followed by high D’s, then high S’s and the best grades went to students with an adapted high C behavioral style.
Of the 23 competencies surveyed, all are below national means and their mastery. There are a few exceptions, as a group, is extremely low but please keep in mind that they are being compared to a national workforce mean and not other first-year college students. Nebraska’s College of Engineering was one of the first programs in the nation to gather this data. So, comparison to similar groupings is nearly impossible. More importantly, while documenting student entry levels is useful, what is crucial is identifying what skills our students gain as a result of their programs of study. This study opens many questions that only longitudinal studies can address.