Apr 3, 2019
The use of our tools for teambuilding has implications not only in the workplace but in sports teams as well. This article documents the application of TriMetrix® DNA to enhance the performance of a premier level soccer team. The collection and application of knowledge gained regarding soft-skills, motivation, and behaviors is documented. The paper also references similar applications by national wrestling champion Anthony Robles, the Phoenix Suns and PGA and PPGA members.

Apr 3, 2019
One of the biggest challenges that higher education faces is preparing today’s students to meet future workforce demands. While adding workplace skills to the curriculum is essential, tools to measure these goals are required. TTI SI is providing these tools, and the results are being collected regarding behaviors, motivators and professional competencies.

Apr 3, 2019
This major research project involved seven surgical training programs that studied 117 residents’ TriMetrix® reports and compared these scores to their American Board of Surgery In-Training Examination scores (ABSITE). The goal was to see if TTI SI tools could help improve program retention by creating better job matches and identifying residents who might be at risk for substandard academic performance.

Apr 3, 2019
A method was sought to determine the intangible characteristics of applicants to a general surgery residency program, particularly an assessment of behavior and motivation. The hypothesis was that such information could contribute to a more objective analysis of how well an applicant might fit into a program and its culture, and therefore improve the residents’ chance for success and reduce the attrition rate.

Apr 3, 2019
The consultant was able to discern personal traits and characteristics that did or did not appear to be a good fit for the structure and culture of a surgical training program. These new key personal attributes had not been previously recognized through the traditional resume and interviewing process.