Apr 3, 2019
One of the major challenges of a company such as TTI Success Insights is to address the rigorous demands of the academic professional world as it relates to acceptably valid and reliable assessments. This short exposé attempts to place in a concise form the current view of the American Psychological Association (APA) on the evidence of validity and reliability as presented in the Handbook of Testing and Assessment in Psychology, Volume 1: Test Theory and Testing and Assessment in Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

Apr 3, 2019
This short generic review poses the questions that a client should ask of every assessment provider. The answers will help them understand the purpose and the best tool to solve their unique needs.

Apr 3, 2019
This 2015 technical report is presently being revised. The new report will follow the template established in the 2019 EQ manual. This present report includes valuable history and data on reliability and incorporates findings from several research papers.

Apr 3, 2019
This 2012 technical report is presently being revised. The new report will follow the template established in the 2019 EQ manual. This present report includes valuable historical data on reliability and includes an external review.