Apr 3, 2019
This pilot study suggests that behavioral style may be tied to a students’ grade point. Grade point average after their first semester was lowest for students with high I’s, followed by high D’s, then high S’s and the best grades went to students with an adapted high C behavioral style.

Apr 3, 2019
Of the 23 competencies surveyed, all are below national means and their mastery. There are a few exceptions, as a group, is extremely low but please keep in mind that they are being compared to a national workforce mean and not other first-year college students. Nebraska’s College of Engineering was one of the first programs in the nation to gather this data. So, comparison to similar groupings is nearly impossible. More importantly, while documenting student entry levels is useful, what is crucial is identifying what skills our students gain as a result of their programs of study. This study opens many questions that only longitudinal studies can address.

Apr 3, 2019
Sadly, the first thing people tend to do when faced with workplace dissatisfaction is to either blame the work or over generalize and assume they have failed. The truth is that many times our behaviors, motivators and skills sets are a mismatch with the job requirements. This case study shows how a job fit can alter our behavioral style.

Apr 2, 2019
Our regularly updated adverse impact studies provide evidence that our assessments offer equal opportunities for all protected groups. This Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) definition includes: gender, race, disability and Veteran status.