Nov 14, 2024
Higher education is being challenged to improve work-related soft skill development. TTI SI is playing a major role by providing tools that help document skill level and acquisition over time. This article includes a published cross-walk showing how our DNA 23 assessment and the US National Research Council’s 21st-Century Skill list overlap.

Feb 15, 2024
This is the first chapter of the 3rd edition of “INTRODUCTION TO QUANTITATIVE EEG AND NEUROFEEDBACK”. The authors were asked to document a new application of EEG by describing how gamma wave asymmetry in the prefrontal cortex can be used to help individuals expose and address implicit memories, biases, addictions, emotional states and even better understand approach-avoidance in our decisions. These new protocols provide real time brain visualization of decision making, thus opening the door to greater self-awareness and ultimately improved self-regulation. This PDF includes the complete table of content. As a result, the first chapter may be found starting on the 21st page.

Jan 16, 2024
Emotional Intelligence (EI) has been established as a critical skill with the ability to influence positive outcomes and mitigate challenging situations. Research connects EI to such benefits as better health, superior job performance, and psychological well-being.
EI has also been shown to help moderate the negative impacts of stress. The recent COVID-19 pandemic is well-recognized as a source of unprecedented stress with implications for emotional well-being. This study provides important evidence of the stability of EI during highly stressful and chaotic circumstances.

Aug 1, 2022
This work presents data from a multi-year empirical investigation associated with an undergraduate engineering mentoring and student development program focusing on co-op education at a small regional private university that is utilizing the TTI TriMetrix DNA assessment suite.

Aug 1, 2022
This work presents data from a multi-year empirical investigation to provide a deeper comprehensive understanding of the technical talent pipeline in the U.S. A sample of 473 individuals across three segments of the talent pipeline was investigated utilizing the TTI TriMetrix DNA assessment suite.