Employee Success Prediction System
A system for predicting potential of success of an individual for a particular job or task. Behavioral and values information is derived from the individual. This information is then analyzed and compared against standards for behavior and values previously calculated for the specific job. An evaluation can then be made of the applicant’s responses to the standards to predict success of a perspective employee for the particular job, or to attempt to improve performance of a current employee for a specific job.

Words That Don’t Work
One of the major outcomes from our brain research is the confirmation that each person has “triggers” (words or phrases that can create a negative emotional reaction). This paper highlights the concept and provides specific behavioral style examples to avoid.

Environmental Impacts on GPA for Accelerated Schools: A Values and Behavioral Approach
We all know the power of being able to adjust. This research explores the impact of students’ ability to adjust to the school environment at a residential accelerated upper-level high school for math and science by examining behavioral components over a two-year period.