Oct 4, 2022
Mindfulness’ impact on stress reduction can also have health benefits for employees is well documented. The purpose and catalyst of this study was to discover the implications and advantages of meditation and mindfulness for the working individual. The study’s results and depiction of the brain’s changes in electrical activity give essential insight into these benefits. Not only did the EEG scans reflect a significant reactionary change, the individual observed alterations in his cognitive ability.A brief explanation of the program provided as well as evidence of goal achievement.

Jun 23, 2020
In the paper ‘Response Process Validation Protocol Using Neurophenomenological Gamma Asymmetry’, the research team explains the process TTI SI uses to observe the brain’s reaction to reading and answering questions during an assessment.

Apr 4, 2019
Target Training International, in cooperation with BrainMaster and their Avatar software, have for the first time turned the soft science of personal assessment into a hard science by showing not just what people say is their self reported ipsative response, but validating their answers with corresponding brain activity. This unique approach exposes both qualitative and quantitative asymmetry of the prefrontal cortex activity, thus exposing the underlying approach-withdrawal motivational system of decision-making.

Apr 4, 2019
While peer-reviewed articles demonstrate academic rigor, no publication is more rigorous than the process of obtaining a patent. For those interested, here are copies of both our USA and Canadian published patents for our “Validation Process for Ipsative Assessments. At the time of this update, we still have a European patent review in process.

Apr 3, 2019
This thought leadership article shows how TTI SI is exposing precognitive emotional responses that many times lead to our final decisions. One key example shows how assessments need to be taken in one’s native tongue to get the best neurological response.