Apr 3, 2019
This pilot study suggests that behavioral style may be tied to a students’ grade point. Grade point average after their first semester was lowest for students with high I’s, followed by high D’s, then high S’s and the best grades went to students with an adapted high C behavioral style.

Apr 3, 2019
While GPA has been proven to be a poor indicator of success, there is growing evidence that grades at times correlate with either the professor’s behavioral style or the institution’s cultural expectations. Results in this study indicate that three behavioral factors – Analysis of Data, Organized Workplace and Frequent Change – had significantly different mean scores between the three GPA groupings.

Apr 3, 2019
We all know the power of being able to adjust. This research explores the impact of students’ ability to adjust to the school environment at a residential accelerated upper-level high school for math and science by examining behavioral components over a two-year period.

Apr 3, 2019
This research illustrates that the DISC can be used with relatively young subjects prior to their entering the job market and can successfully be used as a predictive tool. In the Difference Model, entering GPA and the difference score on the D component were significant indicators of success.